Saturday, March 14, 2009


Hey, Hi, Omg, Can. you. believe. it. i'm. having. fever. now. like. finally. after. 1. whole. year. i. guess. and. guess. what. it's. in. the. middle. of. ug. camp. ogayogay. and. you. know. what. i'm. feeling. so. hungry. right. now. that. i. can. eat. a. cow. but. not. my. sashimi. He's. so. cute. that. i. can't. bear. to. and. i. know. it's. extremely. irritating. for. me. to. blog. like. this. so. i. shall. stop. HAHAHA. That was fun.

LOL. so, THE MARCH HOLIDAY IS LIKE FINALLY HERE! YAY, YAY, MORE YAY. omgomg, it's here. IM SO HAPPY! HAPPY! YAY YAY YAY! I CAN FINALLY DO THE THINGS I WANT TO DO. AND I'M SO TOTALLY HOOK UP ON HK DRAMAS. IT ROCK LIKE OMGHOLYMAMA. SO NICE!! go and watch and you'll know what i mean. Especially the lawyer that one! omg, sun lily rock like omg can ! omg, she loves pink! omg, she rock! ha ha ha. i know i'm not making any sense here, so i'm moving on to my serious self. HA HA HA . as if i have one. LOL.

HA, i need to get a new blogskin like real soon. Very the extremely soon. What the heck am i talking? oops, ignore me. haha, i need get a new blogskin. Now. And i want to go kbox(!)
aand, NICOLE BIRTHDAY IS LIKE NEXT THURSDAY AND WE'VE GOT THE IRRITATING CHINESE TALK. GRAHH! SOMEMORE IT ENDS AT 5.30LEH! WTH! WTH! WTH! WTH! and walao, Rv is so fake la. xiao lao shi even asked some of the 2kians to prepare questions to ask such that there will at least be some ppl who will raise questions. wahlao , damn fake. stupid la. i hate rv. for being so bootlicking. she suck.

and omg, i super long never post alr. HUH? HUH? HUH? HUH? LOL . LMAOS. cos, i lazy to post mah. and i love nicole. and oh, i got 2.3 for my gpa. omg, i broke my record. LOWEST. although my highest was only 2.9 . shit! shit! shit! i must really buck up. like i will. LOL. anw, i got so much to tell, but im so lazy to type any further. so, byebyebye.

end, Rachel.


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